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Ecotoxicologist, Ph.D.

39 years old
Driving License
La Tremblade France
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
An ecotoxicologist with a PhD in Biology and a thesis in marine biology, I have been woorking in the environmental field since 2007. I possesse an expertise in environmental toxicology, specializing in issues relating to pollution and emerging contaminants (nanoparticles, oils sands extracts, metals, wastewaters) which I acquired while studying for my PhD and working with Environment Canada. I am also comfortable interacting with companies, universities and government. I have supervised people (master and bacchelor students), written scientific reports and peer reviewed publications. I have excellent communication skills to convey information to people clearly and simply.

Oceanography, immunotoxicology, nanotoxicology, emerging contaminants, pollution, ecosystem
  • Development of multidisciplinary collaborations
  • Management of a team and a schedule
  • Research for sponsor
  • Communications and speakers invitations
  • Students and Trainee supervision
  • Work with different kinds of public and adapt my scientific language
  • Bibliographical researches and taxonomy
  • Communicate with groups of different sizes (individual intervention, or in group 20-30 persons and +)
  • Submission of articles to international reviews
  • Participation at national and international conferences (oral presentations and posters)
  • Realization of scientific reports
  • Chemistry of emerging contaminants, availability in the environment
  • Biomarker use (viability, phagocytosis, cycle cellular, apoptosis, oxydative stress, metallothioneins, transformation lymphoblastic transformation)
  • Toxin action on the cellular mechanisms
  • Flow cytometry (many immune parameters : viability, phagocytosis, lymphoblastic transformation, thiols, ROS, apoptosis, cellular cycle, metallothioneines)
  • Radioactivity manipulation (prolifération lymphoblastic trasnformation tritiated thimidine )
  • Manipulation of differents animal models (human blood, mice, fish, bivalves)
  • Taxonomy
  • Field sampling in extrem conditions (Gulf of the Saint Lawrence islands in winter) (marking, grey seals tagging )
  • Field sampling abord a boat (Collection of samples for the biology, the physics, the chemistry and the geology)
  • Field sampling in Saguenay fjord (bivalves studies)
  • Sigmaplot
  • Statistica7, XL stats, Spad, Stella,
  • Primer
  • Cellquest Pro, FlowJo, WinMDI 2.9
  • EndnoteX4
  • Office 2003-2007
  • Photoshop